Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Go-To Smoothie

          I can honestly say that I do not know anyone with a worse sweet tooth than mine. I cannot even think of a moment where I declined a piece of chocolate, or a scoop of ice cream (hey, your mental health is important too). However, because physical health is important, and I no longer have the metabolism of a 12 year old, I certainly have to limit myself, which is what provoked me to begin making smoothies all the time, and thus my addiction began. It's the easiest thing ever, however if you're looking for any of that new age kale-quinoa-granola-acai-something-or-other-dirt-in-a-cup type of thing, this isn't your kind of can only be so healthy. I always start off with a banana base because that gives it a thicker texture. I know I should use fresh fruit yadd

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

Simply wishing everyone the happiest of Easters from myself, my family, and the cutest (and most appropriate) Easter accessory - my bunny, Leo. While my mother and my fashion commentary during Easter mass may have us in need of a trip to confession, in all realness what a wonderful reminder to be appreciative of all your blessings, and prepare for this spring. As important a day as Easter is, no shame in using it as an excuse to start transitioning into warm weather attire- after all, it is a celebratory day!
                                                                                                                                               Yours Truly

Monday, March 21, 2016

OTK Boots

          I've been wanting some black heeled boots for quite a while now but it's much harder to decide on a pair than you might think. I finally found the perfect suede Michael Kors pair with a stack heel, and some gold detailing. Of course, like any girl who gets a new pair of shoes- I wore them immediately. I paired them with a short black shift dress, a glack Michael Kors coat (also, with matching gold detail), and gold chain jewelry. I finished off the lo

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Keith Richards found Not Dead In San Fran Hotel

          Although this news is fairly old, I couldn't help but share this article, because it's such a fun read. As much as I love The Rolling Stones, I can't help but find humor in the whole "Keith Richards is a walking corpse" thing. So for anyone who finds this half as funny as I do, you most certainly should give it a read.